So the reason I quit from AA is mainly because of my company BB. They are very stingy with our salary and try to withhold as much as they can. Before I was at AA, I was at a primary school that was too far from my home, so I did not want to work there. Because I decided to leave that school, my company said they would not pay me for my first two weeks of work. That is just one example of BB's greed。
I also had a few issues with AA Kindergarten. They did not really provide me with a good curriculum, so I would plan most things on my own. But when I tried to teach the kids "left" and "right," they would not allow me to because they said they will learn it when they are older. They would also make me rip paper napkins in half to give to the kids when they would dry their hands because they wanted to save paper, however one whole paper napkin was barely enough for the kids to completely dry their hands. I think it is ridiculous to be that stingy with the children when the parents pay so much money for the kids to be there. But I do not know if other schools are any better. I think it is very common among schools in China to focus more on impressing the parents rather than actually doing what is best for the kids。