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“I” of IVYIAN Spirit —— Innovation

Our educational spirit is IVYIAN. There exists a unique implication behind every letter, indicating the consistent pursuit and target of all teachers and students in Ivy family.







About “I"


We hope to cultivate children to be innovative people. They can stick to think independently instead of following the herd and being obedient to the knowledge and the authority; they can think divergently and distinctively, just like a heavenly steed soaring across the sky instead of being restricted to rules and regulations; they can solve problems with the flexible use of the knowledge and capacity they have learned instead of becoming rigid and prim.

Luna’s Wall Painting

Ice Bucket Challenge

Face Painting

Ingenious Drama: Calabash Brothers

The Drama Full of Originality: Hakuna Matata

The Drama with Exquisite Stage Properties: Under the sea

The Cherry Blossom Dance with Extraordinary Styles

Parts of Students’ Work
